They say the devil is in the details and with this selection of precision liners and brushes, every makeup lover and professional alike can be armed with the best detailers the business. Whether you are looking to get that graphic eye line just right, that wing just turned up at exactly the perfect angle, or the placement exactly where it is supposed to be for that dash of just-enough bright blue to turn a basic look on its edge. From brows to lips, concealing to eye lining – these are the perfect tools and products to take it to the finish line.
Editor Michael DeVellis
Artwork Jon Dinapoli
TOOLS Fine Lines (left to right)
Crown Pro Detail Liner MustaeV Kowonhye Eye Liner Brush 15 Bdellium Tools 548 Dagger Lip Brush Senna Stylus Winged Liner #41 Chanel Pinceau Ultra Fine Eyeliner Brush #13 MAKE UP FOR EVER 262 Angled Eyeliner Elf Studio Angled Eyeliner Brush NYX Professional Makeup Pharaoh Bobbi Brown Ultra Precise Eyeliner Brush Mehron 8MR-4 Mark Reid Brush #4 IT Cosmetics Tightliner 10-in-1 Dual-edned Brush #13 Crown Pointed Liner ESUM T03 Precision Liner Brush ESUM W01 Fine Liner Brush MAC >> Pickup the Spring 2017 issue for a complete list of Tools.