I’ll be honest. Time has gotten the best of me Somehow I have arrived at the end of 2022.
They say time flies. It’s incredibly true.
There is no time to waste. Not one minute.
No time to waste on excuses.
No time to waste on fear or self doubt.
No time to waste on things that don’t feel impor tant to you.
No time to waste standing still.
It’s time to move forward.
Pick up the pace.
Explore the unknown.
Try something new, go someplace new.
Maybe revisit something you’ve left behind.
Forge a new path.
Explore a new focus.
Make a new connection.
If the past few years have taught us anything it is that life can change at a moments notice.
Will you make the most of every day?
Will you live a life filled with curiosity?
Work hard. Play hard.
Dream of the career and life that you want.
Do whatever it takes and do it now.
There is no time like the present
and the present will be gone before we know it.
Michael DeVellis
Editor, On Makeup Magazine